Among my dad's photographs are some comic ones. He would set these up with his friends, sometimes in costume, usually forming a dramatic tableau. They can be pretty amusing, and occasionally puzzling.
This is my mother, hands down his favorite model. What does she represent here? A pregnant French hooker? Or am I way off base? What's your interpretation?
Funny or not, I know one thing: I love seeing my mom pregnant. With me.
Oh man -- this is wonderful. I don't know what it means either, but you're lucky to have this photo. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I'm not even going to venture a guess. But these photos are fabulous.
Dona, I know what you mean about old photos in antique shops. It's sad that they're not where they belong.
Thanks for looking and appreciating, both of you. It's a pleasure to share with you.
Wow! How cool is your dad? How great is it that you have these? How great is it that I can get a kindaglimpse at fetal Susan?
LOL Fetal Susan was clearly firm and toned. (The only time in her life.)
Great photo :) How are you getting the pics online - do you have a scanner or are you taking photos of them. Very good quality.
I bought a good scanner (Canon's Canoscan 9950F) three years ago, but between the lack of desk space at the time and the daunting learning curve, I didn't open it until I got a larger desk and my son opened it himself and walked me through the first scan. It takes all sizes of negatives, plus slides and whatever.
I'm really enjoying connecting with my dad's pictures in this way.
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