A few weeks ago a very thin female cat showed up on the property looking for food and love. My son and daughter-in-law noticed right away that she was a nursing mother, and began feeding her. ("Nursing mothers need food and water!") I was happy to see my teachings from when I was a La Leche League Leader come around again like this. So we've been feeding the cat, who weighs so little that I've been calling her Feather. (My son and DIL call her Bones, which doesn't quite do it for me.)
Yesterday I finally found her kittens—in the ice house. I found two dark tabbies yesterday, and an orange one today. I have two cats, Annie and Pogo, and that's enough for now. I can't afford more vet bills. But a neighbor offered to help get the mother spayed, and if that happens my only reservation about bringing her inside is her dangerous habit of walking under my feet. I can just see myself falling down the stairs.......
Anyway, here we go again. Animals have been finding us for decades, and while I can no longer afford to rescue them all, I'll do what I can. And if I'm lucky I'll find some others who have room for a kitten in their lives. Crystal.....? :-)
PS: Spanish-speaking readers, please forgive my casually translated post title. I remember way too little Spanish from high school.
Ah, teen pregnancy...
LOL Yes, that's probably what it was. The trick is to get her spayed before one of those boys finds her again.
What a beauty! Funny....a skinnier than skinny kitten adopted my son Rowan early Monday morning. We defintely didn't want another pet, but sometimes kismet wins. Peach Cobbler has been snipped and is now sleeping under the dining room table.
How did I not know you were a LLL leader too? Former here as well. Probably less time than you--I just ran into too many other things that needed my attention.
We call those cats Rutabaga kitties. I mean the coloring pattern. I have no idea why.
Amanda, that was quick! I thought you might name him Kismet. We had a dog named that once. Peach Cobbler is cute, though (and tasty!).
Bridgett, I'm proud to say I started LLL in my county. It eventually grew to two groups with three leaders, but folded when the leaders retired/moved. Rutabaga? I have no idea either.
Hi, Crystal! I'll write back soon. :-)
Lovely and sweet looking kitty. Wish I were in the market for a kitten -- but alas I'm not. If I were I'd make the drive to PA to get one when they were weened.
You're my hero Susan.
Aw, she's lovely.
Thanks, guys! I thought the kittens had disappeared yesterday. I wondered if she'd moved them in the night, frightened by the sound of fireworks all around. But then she and I entered the ice house together, and she made her "time to nurse" sounds, and the three of them appeared from their hiding places. I'll be glad when they're too big to hide. :-)
I remember my cat Grendel making those nursing-time noises. I've posted one old pretty bad picture of her and the babies, Kermit, Data, and Spot.
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