It was like this everywhere I went. Of course, I didn't go very far. These two pictures were taken 17 miles apart.
But it looks like fall, doesn't it? Nevertheless, I hope our fall is late and our spring early.
I planted Sweet Rocket (hesperis) 25 years ago, and it has planted itself every year since. It is classified as an invasive plant, and thus shunned by responsible gardeners. I love it.
Had some skies like that in the Adirondacks last week. Gorgeous.
And I'm with you on the late fall/early spring thing, what with oil costing what it does...
The sky has been gorgeous lately! I hope fall is early. I love fall. Screw oil. I'll put on a coat.
And we know just the coat! :-)
I'm with IB on this one. I'm dreading those heating bills. I wonder if electric space heaters will suddenly become the economical choice...?
I have a gas furnace and it's pretty expensive. In summer the gas bill is like $5 a month amd in winter it can get up to $200 a month. I want to live at the equator :)
Wow. Look at that sky!
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