Those of you familiar with delphiniums (delphinia?) know that these individual flowers, each about 1" wide or less, grow on a tall spike. The overall effect is gorgeous, but so are the little blossoms by themselves. The center part is called the bee. And yes, the blue really is iridescent.
I'm so glad the delphinium survived yesterday's hailstorm. The rose pictured below didn't fare so well.
What colours. I wish I could wonder through your garden, although you're giving us the opportunity to do that, in a way.
Hi Helen! I'm not a good garden designer; I didn't inherit the organization genes my cousins display so beautifully in their gardens and interior decorating. I won't choose a plant I'm not crazy about no matter how much "interest" it adds. So I suppose what I end up with is a "cottage garden"--this and that chosen on the basis of personal appeal. I'm happy with it.
If you wander through my garden, I'll make you weed.
The brevity of roses is part of their bittersweet charm. Delphiniums are breathtaking in their splendor of innocence!
It's great to see such detail. What kind of macro lens do you use?
That's why I'm sticking to wondering, not wandering!
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